Creativity, the real engine of MarediModa

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Creativity, the real engine of MarediModa

In order to cope the current social and economic situation, MarediModa has redesigned its organization and habits without modifying its essence.

In the last few months the MarediModa Trend Board has worked hard to get to a first draft of the trends for the S/S 2022.

A panel of experts led by David Shah and Anne Marie Commandeur, together with a group of designers from the MarediModa companies network, gathered in video conference on April 15th to discuss about the main themes of the next trend forecasting.

Since the beginning of the year, the appointed keyword has been HOPEFULNESS which is now standing out as a beacon of optimism and a common desire of starting over.

In May a special WEBINAR focusing on trends will be held by David Shah. An exclusivity for the MarediModa Exhibitors 2020.